Monday, February 20, 2017


The challenge for the final scene in the story is portraying the villain at the end. Unlike the Cthulhu mythos that Lovecraft developed, this story doesn't explicitly describe that which terrorizes Zann. Given this fact, I felt that it wasn't the visual of the monster that would give the greatest impact, but rather the lack of a visual queue that would be more frightening.

However, at some late point in the production, I was still wondering how this whole scene would be portrayed. I even considered that I might try to incorporate a Japanese style ghost or monster from Edo era ukiyo-e prints. But I wasn't going to be able to pull this off in the way that I wanted, so that idea was aborted.

Instead, I decided on a weird lens-flare effect. I hope it worked. In fact, I am happy with the final shot in the animation.

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