Wednesday, January 11, 2017

34. HAIR

At first I modeled the student's hair as a type of helmet. I figured that I would move beyond that soon enough, but I never did.

At no point did I ever consider that I would try to use 3D tools to emulate real hair. I knew that would be far too costly in terms of render time, learning time, and all other sorts of time-spending issues.

However, I did contemplate trying to use video game style hair. I had to research these types of solutions, and they seemed easy enough. So they seemed. I just couldn't figure out how to apply layers of hair on her head in a good way. Perhaps I was a bit too impatient in this task, and so I never achieved a decent head of hair beyond the helmet that I started with. I am not sure why my eyes were tolerant of this feature in the final product, but I just couldn't see it as a big detriment to the project. I hope I'm correct, or at least that it doesn't hurt the final product too much.

By the way, this is a problem I didn't have with Zann, since I just decided that he would look great bald, and that I wouldn't have to deal with all these issues.

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